iReader is released!
Please update on Android market! The is released, please see here: Thanks!
Please update on Android market! The is released, please see here: Thanks!
Please see here. Only free version can be available.
Please update on Android market! Our new website: Please visite here to get more updates information. Please submit your bug and requirement here: Thanks!
Hi everyone: I'm still working hard on it. It is very long time to update new version, I'm sorry for that. Currently, I'm trying my best to transfer my blog to google project. Our new website is , you can submit bug and...
I'm sorry that it is long time after the last release. I can not spend much time on iReader since I'm busy on my new job, but I will try my best to work on iReader and publish new version. The new version will include the follow features as much as possible:...
Finish some part work of new feature, we can show text with any style. Please see the picture. I will work hard, please wait... ....
The is released with new UI and some bugs fixed for previous version. I'm sorry that I will take leave a few days to apply for a new job . So I can not release a new version recently. Hope you can forgive me and support me. Please wait. In the...
I wrote two documentations to introduce how to read Mobipocket ebook and EReader ebook with DRM protected. Please click the following links or find them in the Documentations item of right column. How to read Mobipocket ebook with DRM protected ( Documentations->Browse...
Most of them have been finished. The icon and settings pages need be re-designed. I know there is no update for many days, Sorry for that. I need more time to do and only can finish them one by one. Please wait! I promise the next version will be come...
The version has been released. Changes: Fix bug: Lose some book content in decompressing Mobipocket book. Fix bug: Improve turning page with gesture in HTML view more easy and sensitive. Fix bug: Add bookmark fail in HTML view when you first open...